Thursday, January 10, 2008


this is why i like living in kanarra. this is what i get to see on my way home from work.


Lucashell said...

That is so cool. I always wish I wasn't stuck in a big city. At least I have a job, that I get out an about and see game here and there.

Logan and Sydney said...

And that's why I hate driving to and from Kanarraville!

Anisa said...

Okay, so I'm guessing that Klint took these pics and wrote the post. Summer, I don't know what to think. Are you glad you married someone who wants to stay in Kanarraville? And I'm with Sydney. We always got the "watch for deer" lecture any time we drove to or from Kanarraville.

Lib-Dawg said...

I'm actually starting to enjoy looking for deer on my way to and from Cedar...Guess I need to find me a deer hunter!!! Sometimes they can get annoying in there crossing of the street!